Call: (0261) 2960005
(0261) 2960005

Vision & Mission


Our college envisions itself as a UGC-recognized institution that prioritizes the production of qualified human resources with enhanced skills and knowledge. We aim to provide our students with a high level of socially inclusive perspectives, cross-cultural competencies, and ethical character, which will enable them to become leaders in their fields and contribute to the betterment of society. We are committed to fulfilling local aspirations for employment and education and will work to ensure that our programs are accessible to all, regardless of background or socio-economic status. At our college, we will uphold the highest standards of academic integrity, and strive to create a culture of honesty, transparency, and respect.


At our Science Institute, our vision is to become a preeminent institution in the realm of scientific inquiry and originality. Our mission is to challenge the limits of human comprehension and awareness and to create novel answers to the most pressing issues affecting our world. By working together and engaging in interdisciplinary research, we strive to foster an inclusive atmosphere where researchers and scientists of different backgrounds can exchange knowledge and ideas in pursuit of a shared objective. Ultimately, our objective is to make a meaningful contribution to society by enhancing scientific understanding and creating innovative technologies.